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About IMPACweb

IMPAC customers can order IMPACweb from their healthcare specialist. The Sysco operating company fills out and submits forms to CBORD according to customer specifications. The requested reports are processed and posted on IMPACweb. IMPAC customers receive an email with an activation password so they can immediately begin to access IMPACweb.

  1. Order forms are filled out and submitted by the operating company
  2. IMPAC users order IMPACweb from their healthcare specialist
  3. Reports are processed
  4. Reports are posted on IMPACweb
  5. IMPACweb users will receive an email with their activation password
  6. IMPACweb user creates their own password to be used at log in
  7. IMPACweb user can view and print reports as needed

Download the IMPACweb Brochure (This file is in PDF format.  Find out more about viewing, downloading and printing PDF files.)